News & Events

Updates to the 2025 membership fee structure

ResponsibleSteel recently updated our membership fee structure to allow for a fairer reflection of company size and ensure our administrative costs are covered.

These changes were approved by the ResponsibleSteel Board of Directors in September 2024 and will take effect on January 1st, 2025

Key changes to the 2025 membership fees:

1. Revised fees for smaller members: To cover the administrative costs of collecting our membership fees, we have made revisions to the lower tier fees.

2. Introduction of new revenue tier: The lower end of the current fee structure has a steep jump-up in fees. As a result, we will introduce an additional revenue tier (from $1m to $10m).

3. ‘Non-profit’ category changes to ‘Civil Society’: The ‘Non-profit’ classification will be renamed as ‘Civil Society’ to better reflect our membership categories. Civil society membership will continue to be free of charge.

4. Trade Associations: From 2025, trade associations will be charged fees as per other Associate members, regardless of non-profit status, in keeping with other membership associations in our industry.

Members will see these changes reflected in their 2025 membership invoices that will be issued towards the end of the year. We believe these updates will ensure continued inclusivity while maintaining the financial sustainability of our programme.

View a full breakdown of ResponsibleSteel's 2025 membership fees here.

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Public consultation: Review and Revision of the International Production Standard

We are pleased to announce that we are conducting a public consultation for the review and revision of the ResponsibleSteel  International Production Standard v2.1. The consultation period is open for 60 days, from 1 October to 1 December 2024.

To ensure that the standard remains effective and relevant to the industry, periodic reviews and revisions are essential. This process is guided by the ResponsibleSteel Standard Development Procedure v3.0 (topic 12.1), which requires a review and revision every 5 years, in alignment with the ISEAL code.

As part of this formal consultation, we engage relevant stakeholders, including ResponsibleSteel Members, approved certification bodies, and ResponsibleSteel certificate holders to assess whether the standard requires revision, and we report the findings to the Board. Additionally, it is mandated that any approved urgent revisions be included in this regular review and revision process.

The standard consists of 13 principles, covering a wide range of sustainability topics, including ESG, GHG, and community-related topics. To guide the review and revision process, we have gathered and reviewed all relevant information and developed a public consultation document proposing the scope of the revisions to the standards.

Please find the public consultation document here.  

The public consultation is open to all stakeholders, and we encourage all relevant stakeholders to participate and provide their valuable input!

Accompanying materials

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U. S. Steel earns world’s first ever certification for ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel at Big River Steel

The United States Steel Corporation's Big River Steel, located in Osceola, Arkansas, passed a rigorous set of standards in environmental, social, and governance categories that raise the bar for sustainability across the steel supply chain.  

U. S. Steel today announced it is the first steel company in the world to qualify to sell its products as ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel at its Big River facility in Osceola, Arkansas. Big River received the first ResponsibleSteel Site Certification in North America in 2022 and is once again at the forefront of innovation by achieving certification for sustainably sourced and manufactured steel.  

ResponsibleSteel is the industry’s leading global multi-stakeholder standards body, enabling certification at the site level - and now for the first time steel certification. By meeting the standard for Certified Steel, U. S. Steel’s Big River facility demonstrates its continued commitment to advancing industry sustainability while delivering profitable solutions for stakeholders and benefits for the planet.  

“This is an extraordinary accomplishment,” said U. S. Steel President and CEO David B. Burritt. “The rigorous requirements needed for ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel represent a new gold standard for responsible steel manufacturing on a global scale. This certification gives customers and stakeholders confidence that Big River is on the path to near zero and demonstrates that we are using responsible practices across our supply chain. Being the first steel company in the world to achieve ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel demonstrates our strong resolve to build a more sustainable steel industry in the United States and across the world.”

The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard incorporates environmental, social and governance requirements across its thirteen Principles, which include over 500 criteria for the responsible sourcing and production of steel. Certified Steel requires both Site Certification and additional conformance with two key components: progress on the responsible sourcing of input materials and site-level decarbonisation. ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel provides steel buyers with a consistent assessment of the site’s material sourcing and decarbonisation progress.  

By offering Certified Steel, U. S. Steel is demonstrating leadership in enabling steel producers, and suppliers to assess their sustainability progress through a comprehensive, credible global benchmark. The Production Standard is constructed not only to encourage decarbonisation progress at the site but also to drive responsible sourcing and a rigorous supply chain ESG analysis. It fosters tracking and transparency across the steel supply chain from input materials to the product, ensuring that ESG initiatives are integrated at every stage. With four Progress Levels outlined, companies are guided in improving responsible sourcing and decarbonisation until full supply chain transparency and near zero are achieved. U. S. Steel has achieved certification at Progress Level 1 continuing a steadfast commitment to an integrated approach to sustainability.  

“ResponsibleSteel employs a comprehensive approach to its certification standards, and that is evident in the work we do here at Big River Steel,” noted Dan Brown, Senior Vice President of Advanced Technology Steelmaking for U. S. Steel and Chief Operating Officer of Big River Steel Works. “Our transparency around decarbonisation and collaborative approach with our suppliers and community all play a role in what it means to have truly ‘sustainable’ steel products for our customers.”

U. S. Steel’s Big River achieved Certified Steel by demonstrating how sustainability permeates throughout the company’s operations. For example, it is more sustainable to obtain the input materials closest to the facility with a known supply chain source. Iron ore pellets are mined and produced at U. S. Steel’s Minnesota Ore Operations, which serve as raw materials for pig iron production at U. S. Steel’s Gary Works in northwest Indiana, which then becomes a key input in the steelmaking process at U. S. Steel’s Big River.

“ResponsibleSteel congratulates U. S. Steel on this significant accomplishment – the first-of-a-kind across the global industry. This certification demonstrates the company’s strong ongoing commitment to transparency, credibility, and responsibility, as they make progress in their decarbonisation plans. Today this news sends a clear message to the market: progress towards responsible ‘green steel’ is being achieved and can be most credibly benchmarked. For those buyers looking to cut through the confusion of environmental claims, look no further,” remarks Annie Heaton, ResponsibleSteel’s CEO. “We look forward to U. S. Steel’s ongoing progress and leadership in the market for credible sustainable steel products.”

Achieving Certified Steel will ensure customers have responsibly sourced and produced steel right here in the USA. Together with ResponsibleSteel, U. S. Steel is creating a more sustainable industry and future for generations to come.

Additional Information

Measured against the global benchmarking system provided by ResponsibleSteel’s International Production Standard, Big River Steel has achieved Decarbonisation Progress Level 1 and Input Materials Progress Level 1, based on the following independently verified information:

·       Embodied GHG emissions of crude steel(requirement 10.4): 1.34t CO2e per tonne crude steel

·       % scrap content: 57.3%

·       Production volume: 2.4mt


For more information, please contact:

Savannah Hayes

Communications Manager

+44 7588 785909

Click here to view the certificate and public audit summary.

Visit the Climate Group website to watch ResponsibleSteel and U. S. Steel announce the first Certified Steel at Climate Week NYC 2024.

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A responsible steel industry requires rigorous certification

Note: This opinion piece was originally published in Business Green.

As the world warms, the search is hotting up for a 'green transition' - shifting the building blocks of the economy onto a sustainable footing. There are many uncertainties around how - and how fast - we can make this happen, but one thing is certain: steel will be at its heart. Whether it is wind turbines or electric cars, buses, trains or bicycles, steel has to be part of the solution.

At present, though, it is also part of the problem. Because much of current steel production is highly polluting, dependent on massive blast furnaces which produce the metal by smelting iron ore with heat generated from burning coal. The sector accounts for around a quarter of all industrial emissions globally; if steel were a country, it would be the fourth biggest emitter on the planet.

Change has to happen - and fast. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned the sector as a whole has to cut emissions by 90 per cent by 2050 to keep it in line with global climate goals as set out in the Paris Agreement. Now, a new report from ResponsibleSteel has detailed the speed and scale of the shifts required in the coming years. According to its analysis, every steel plant in the world needs to be emitting less than today's average emissions intensity by 2030. In other words, today's average emitters will become the industry's worst offenders by 2030 - if they do not take steps now to improve.

In this year of elections, it is clear that governments on both sides of the Atlantic are keen to support their domestic steel industries, but also demonstrate they are making progress on the climate front. Meanwhile, major procurers looking to decarbonise their supply chain want action, too. So the search is on for steel which doesn't cause unacceptable environmental impacts.

There is one beguilingly simple answer: make new steel from scrap. This can result in emissions savings of around two-thirds compared to so-called virgin steel. It is also around half the price. Small wonder then that steel producers with access to scrap - or with the purchasing power to gain it - are racing to meet demand.

But as a long-term solution, this leaves much to be desired. For one thing, there simply isn't enough recyclable steel around to meet demand. And the race for scrap risks leaving longer-term solutions, such as systems that use 'green' hydrogen, starved of the investment they need to go to scale.

Any meaningful strategy to decarbonise the sector must combine using all the scrap that is available, with some serious drivers that ensure innovation in primary steel production from iron ore. And that will only come about when the market demands it, and is prepared to pay for it.

But there is another element to the search for sustainable steel: the social and community one. A focus on decarbonisation pure and simple risks leaving people behind - failing to take account of the need for a 'just transition' to a greener future. Threatened closures of relatively high-emitting plants, for example, can destabilise local communities and create huge headaches for governments, as we have seen recently in the UK.

Increasingly, these dilemmas are being recognised by both business and governments, and the search is on for all-round sustainable steel - sustainable environmentally and socially.

But how is that best defined? There's no shortage of 'green steel' labels and initiatives - over 80 at the last count. But their focus - and rigour - vary hugely. Some are global; some regional. Some cover specific steel products; others just company-wide impacts. Most are principally focused on carbon emissions, and don't take into account wider ESG issues such as labour rights, community impacts or biodiversity.

This lack of alignment creates confusion - just at a time when there's increasing impatience with green claims that are not robust. In Europe, the EU's Green Claims Directive is poised to subject businesses found to be making misleading claims to hefty fines and a ban on tendering for public procurement.

Against this background, there's a case for a certification scheme which covers the full spectrum of sustainability impacts - and does so with a rigour that can ensure its credibility. That's where ResponsibleSteel comes in. The result of wide consultations within the industry as well as civil society, its aim is to provide a common language of assessment that steel's customers, communities, investors, and workforce can all get behind.

It uses independent auditors to certify steel production sites, specific steel products, and company-wide impacts, too. It doesn't just assess progress on cutting carbon emissions, but also issues around the local environment and communities, and the way the workforce and supply chain are treated. As a broad-based certification initiative, ResponsibleSteel does seem to be gaining traction: it's been endorsed by the IEA, UNIDO's Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative, as well as the German government and the Chinese Iron and Steel Association.

This is encouraging. But there is no time to lose. The whole sector needs to demonstrate it is shifting - at speed and scale - to steelmaking which protects both communities and the climate, while providing the essential building blocks of a greener future. Transforming the industry will require bold and universal action. No one can sit on the sidelines. Delay is not an option.

By Annie Heaton, CEO, ResponsibleSteel

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Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna introduces the Modern Steel Act using ResponsibleSteel's Progress Level 4 as a benchmark for near-zero steel

On August 9th, Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna introduced a new bill to strengthen the US's domestic steel industry and build new iron and steel sites - the Modern Steel Act.

As our Director of Development and Innovation, Sivakumar Kuppuswamy, commented, “We are delighted by the introduction of the Modern Steel Act 2024, which aims to drive innovation, and the development of near-net-zero steel production. This transformative bill not only promotes innovative practices in near/net-zero steel production but also fosters a collaborative approach to boost job creation and community development. We're encouraged to see the ResponsibleSteel standard referenced as a benchmark for measuring and defining near-zero steel, which will drive meaningful transparency and progress in the sustainability efforts of the steel industry and its stakeholders."

The Modern Steel Act would build new iron and steel sites in deindustrialised towns, bringing a new generation of steelmaking to the US, creating jobs, and increasing US industrial competitiveness.

To achieve these goals, the Modern Steel Act plans to:

- Partner with the steel industry and workers to build new, modern facilities producing near-zero emissions iron and/or steel, using cutting edge technologies like hydrogen direct reduction

- Give priority to existing and legacy steel, iron, coke and coal communities

- Enable production of near-zero emissions iron and steel

- Upgrade existing integrated mills and mini-mills to employ lower-emissions technologies

- Balance supply, strengthen supply chain resilience, and protect health

- Explore demand generation opportunities

- Uphold strong labor standards and train workers to make the steel of the future

- Prioritise projects using domestic content, including all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials from US manufacturers

Learn more about the Modern Steel Act here.

Image credit: Shutterstock

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The Roundtable for the Responsible Recycling of Metals: Improving ESG management and performance in metals recycling

By Dave Knight, Convenor, the Roundtable for the Responsible Recycling of Metals

Recycling delivers key socio-economic and environmental benefits but unknown to most are the risks involved when it is not done responsibly.

The Roundtable for the Responsible Recycling of Metals (RRRM), a multi-stakeholder, multi-metal initiative, was set up to support the development of responsible scrap sourcing standards, systems, and tools. For the last 18 months, RRRM overseen by a Steering Group of which ResponsibleSteel is a member, has collaborated with stakeholders across the metals sector to understand and make recommendations to improve ESG management and performance. This process involved running working groups, conducting extensive research, and mapping existing voluntary standards, legislation and industry guidance on metals recycling.

In May, RRRM launched its findings, demonstrating that current approaches are insufficient to ensure recycled metals do not harm people or the environment. The roundtable also published its recommendations and ResponsibleSteel plans to incorporate these into the review of the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard in 2025.

Steel recycling

Steel has one of the highest recycling rates in the metals industry. Approximately 650 million tonnes of steel scrap feed about 30% of global steel production.

Carbon emissions from secondary steel production using scrap are less than a third of those from primary steel production, which is why companies are increasingly investing in secondary production as part of their decarbonisation strategies. But there are limits to scrap availability. We need to ensure that the scrap available is being responsibly sourced and isn't being displaced to meet the decarbonisation needs of one producer to the detriment of others.

Findings and recommendations

Widely used OECD ‘Due Diligence’ guidance relies on traceability and risk assessment. But traceability in diverse and distributed value chains can be extremely challenging due to the number of actors in the collection and pre-processing sectors. Reaching informal and subsistence collectors and recyclers, where some of the highest risks exist, is particularly hard and traders can be reluctant to disclose sources to maintain commercial interests.

For example, there are hundreds of thousands of people, mainly women and vulnerable groups, working at a subsistence level in the hinterlands of ship recycling facilities, notably in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Knowledge of these groups is poor and often overlooked in the downstream value chain. For more distributed post-consumer sources, like white goods or steel within electronics, the International Labour Organisation estimates that approximately 20 million informal workers work as waste collectors and sorters, often in poor conditions. Guidance on labour and human rights needs to be improved and post- and pre-consumer recycled content should be further broken down to help inform scrap sourcing risk profiles.

Improving assurance

The inclusion of recycled metal value chains in assurance processes is the starting point and metal producers should expect increasing focus on the ESG management and performance of these inputs. Legislation and voluntary approaches should be enhanced to include requirements relating to ‘untraceable’ parts of supply chains, recognising the high numbers of smaller-scale formal, informal, and subsistence recyclers. Worker and community engagement and grievance mechanisms, app-based accessible reporting, site sampling in third-party audits, commissioned research and independent surveying of high-risk locations can also be considered.

Policy and market opportunities

Extending producer responsibility legislation across nations would better reach high-risk parts of diverse supply chains. Market platforms and exchanges can strengthen ESG disclosure requirements and differentiate products which demonstrate higher ESG performance.

Furthermore, not all recycling of metals is economic and losses of materials lead to higher ESG risks. For example, the shipbreaking and steel working group found that shipowners get better prices for end-of-life (EOL) vessels broken in poorer conditions. The last beneficial shipowners have a key role to play in recognising this and metal producers should understand the risks associated with these inputs.

Metal Producers and recyclers

Recyclers should work to improve collection, segregation and sorting practices and the development and transfer of recycling technologies to higher-risk locations. This would help reduce contamination and exposure to hazardous materials as well as help maintain the alloy or grade quality maximising profitability. Producers and recyclers should also collaborate with brands and manufacturers to optimise efficiency and reduce ESG risks across the value chain considering new business models such as metals leasing and service delivery.

Labour, human rights and biodiversity risks are less well covered by industry requirements, guidance and common practice. Third-party audits will place more emphasis on recyclates, on analysing sources from an ESG perspective and will expect metal producers to be able to clearly communicate the boundaries of traceability.

Brands and manufacturers

As responsible sourcing becomes more sophisticated, brands and manufacturers should invest in improved performance at higher-risk locations that represent the ‘untraceable’ part of their supply chains. ‘Book and claim’ systems enable appropriate responsible sourcing claims to be made and can support action in areas which are currently overlooked. Brands and manufacturers should also publish data to better educate consumers, build opportunities for products with higher ESG performance, and improve the transparency of secondary scrap supply chains.

Further information and next steps

ResponsibleSteel recently ran a webinar on the outcomes of the Roundtable, the slides of which can be accessed here. A summary report, a 1-page route map, a risk profile, and three background reports with detailed findings and recommendations are all available on RRRM's website.

Parties interested in collaborating to take forward some of these recommendations should contact Dave Knight.

Images: Shutterstock

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New report provides a comprehensive framework for charting the steel industry’s progress to 1.5°C

Leading steelmakers globally are beginning to take steps to decarbonise and low emissions steel options are emerging on the market. But new analysis from ResponsibleSteel demonstrates that radical shifts to reduce emissions by a select number of industry leaders or “first movers” will not be sufficient. The entire steel industry needs to take immediate action to make progress on the journey to net zero. And this progress needs to be mapped out in a universal language.

Today, ResponsibleSteel unveils a landmark report, "Charting Progress to 1.5°C through Certification." Using two base scenarios – the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero Emissions by 2050, and the Mission Possible Partnership’s (MPP) Carbon Cost – the report offers a detailed mapping of the progress needed for the global steel industry to achieve climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. The report was reviewed in-depth by representatives from the IEA, the Energy Transitions Commission and Systemiq, and has been endorsed by industry, civil society and intergovernmental organisations including the OECD, Baowu Group, the Climate Group, and Lendlease.

According to the analysis, for the industry to meet its Paris Agreement obligations every steel plant in the world needs to be emitting less than today’s average emissions intensity by 2030. In other words, following a 1.5°C trajectory, today’s average emitters will become the industry’s worst offenders by 2030 if they do not take steps now to improve.

Annie Heaton, ResponsibleSteel’s CEO stated, “Transforming the steel industry will require bold and universal action. No one can sit on the sidelines. Our analysis shows how certification can be used both to plan and to track the progress of every site on an equitable basis. Those who are not certified cannot be tracked.”

The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard is a powerful tool for steelmakers, policymakers, financial institutions, trade organisations, and campaigners, to track and drive the industry’s transition at pace and scale. The Production Standard’s Decarbonisation Progress Levels provide an internationally consistent framework that enables a like-for-like comparison of steel plants globally and incentivises all steelmakers to invest in decarbonised production processes whilst operating in a socially and environmentally responsible way at the same time.

ResponsibleSteel’s analysis of six key steelmaking regions clearly illustrates that there is a pathway for every part of the industry. Regional conditions such as scrap availability, natural resource endowments, climate policies, and available finance will likely impact the speed and nature of industrial change, but there is no room for inaction.

Furthermore, steelmakers must start to look beyond their physical site boundaries. Indirect supply chain-related emissions could make up about one-third of total average sectoral emissions by 2050, so reducing these will prove critical to the steel industry’s transition.

Ms Heaton continued, “ResponsibleSteel provides a trusted apparatus for measuring, comparing, and certifying progress in driving down emissions that steelmakers, buyers, investors, and policymakers can all get behind.”

Read the full report and interactive summary here.

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Member webinar: Hear from the Roundtable on the Responsible Recycling of Metals on their recent findings and recommendations

Join us in this webinar to hear about the recently published findings and recommendations from the Roundtable on the Responsible Recycling of Metals (RRRM).

The webinar will take place via Microsoft Teams on Friday, July 19th at noon (BST).

RRRM is a multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to ensure there are appropriate standards, systems and tools available for the responsible production and sourcing of recycled metals. The RRRM’s activities are driven by regular roundtable engagement, supported and coordinated by the secretariat and overseen by the Steering Group.

For over a year, RRRM has collaborated with stakeholders across the metals sector to better understand and make recommendations to improve ESG management and performance of recycled metal content and value chains.

The initiative has brought together metals recyclers, industry associations, voluntary sustainability standard setters, certification bodies, academics, NGOs, refiners and others and found that, while recycling delivers key socio-economic and environmental benefits, current approaches are insufficient to ensure recycled metals do not harm people or the environment.

A summary report, a 1-page route map, a risk profile, and three background reports with detailed findings and recommendations are all available on RRRM's website.

If you would like to join this webinar for ResponsibleSteel members, please contact our Head of Membership and Communications, Joe Woodruff.

July 11, 2024
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New report provides a comprehensive framework for charting the steel industry’s progress to 1.5°C

Leading steelmakers globally are beginning to take steps to decarbonise and low emissions steel options are emerging on the market. But new analysis from ResponsibleSteel demonstrates that radical shifts to reduce emissions by a select number of industry leaders or “first movers” will not be sufficient. The entire steel industry needs to take immediate action to make progress on the journey to net zero. And this progress needs to be mapped out in a universal language.

Today, ResponsibleSteel unveils a landmark report, "Charting Progress to 1.5°C through Certification." Using two base scenarios – the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero Emissions by 2050, and the Mission Possible Partnership’s (MPP) Carbon Cost – the report offers a detailed mapping of the progress needed for the global steel industry to achieve climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. The report was reviewed in-depth by representatives from the IEA, the Energy Transitions Commission and Systemiq, and has been endorsed by industry, civil society and intergovernmental organisations including the OECD, Baowu Group, the Climate Group, and Lendlease.

According to the analysis, for the industry to meet its Paris Agreement obligations every steel plant in the world needs to be emitting less than today’s average emissions intensity by 2030. In other words, following a 1.5°C trajectory, today’s average emitters will become the industry’s worst offenders by 2030 if they do not take steps now to improve.

Annie Heaton, ResponsibleSteel’s CEO stated, “Transforming the steel industry will require bold and universal action. No one can sit on the sidelines. Our analysis shows how certification can be used both to plan and to track the progress of every site on an equitable basis. Those who are not certified cannot be tracked.”

The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard is a powerful tool for steelmakers, policymakers, financial institutions, trade organisations, and campaigners, to track and drive the industry’s transition at pace and scale. The Production Standard’s Decarbonisation Progress Levels provide an internationally consistent framework that enables a like-for-like comparison of steel plants globally and incentivises all steelmakers to invest in decarbonised production processes whilst operating in a socially and environmentally responsible way at the same time.

ResponsibleSteel’s analysis of six key steelmaking regions clearly illustrates that there is a pathway for every part of the industry. Regional conditions such as scrap availability, natural resource endowments, climate policies, and available finance will likely impact the speed and nature of industrial change, but there is no room for inaction.

Furthermore, steelmakers must start to look beyond their physical site boundaries. Indirect supply chain-related emissions could make up about one-third of total average sectoral emissions by 2050, so reducing these will prove critical to the steel industry’s transition.

Ms Heaton continued, “ResponsibleSteel provides a trusted apparatus for measuring, comparing, and certifying progress in driving down emissions that steelmakers, buyers, investors, and policymakers can all get behind.”

Read the full report and interactive summary here.

July 3, 2024
Press Releases
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June 2024 Newsletter

We have a lot coming up for members to get involved in, starting with a webinar on July 5th on our important upcoming report, 'Charting Progress to 1.5°C through Certification.' Later in July, we'll be hosting a webinar alongside the Roundtable for the Responsible Recycling of Metals following the launch of their findings in May. We're also asking members and stakeholders to support us on two projects, a new High Alloy and Stainless Steel (HASS) Working Group and a consultation on the recognition assessment for the Copper Mark. Make sure to get involved!

In this month's newsletter, you will find key updates including:

  • ResponsibleSteel's first certification in Italy
  • Upcoming ResponsibleSteel webinars
  • New HASS working group
  • Public consultation on the recognition of Copper Mark
  • And more!

Click here to view ResponsibleSteel's June 2024 newsletter.

June 28, 2024
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Call for stakeholder feedback on the Copper Mark recognition assessment

The steel sector relies heavily on mined and processed minerals as an input to production processes. To help ensure that steel companies can increasingly source minerals from responsible suppliers, ResponsibleSteel recognises input material programmes that are well placed to credibly verify ESG performance of suppliers. ResponsibleSteel has developed a comprehensive recognition methodology to assess the standards and assurance mechanisms, programme governance and management, as well as permitted claims and labelling of input material programmes.

Based on assessments against that methodology in 2022, our Board of Directors decided to recognise Bettercoal, the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) and Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM). As a consequence, these three programmes are anchored to varying degrees in Principle 3 (Responsible Sourcing of Input Materials) of the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard. More information on these three recognition assessments can be found here.

Recently, the Copper Mark applied for ResponsibleSteel recognition for copper, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc sites participating in its programme. The Copper Mark and ResponsibleSteel engaged in extensive discussions to produce a draft recognition assessment. The results of this assessment are now opened up to stakeholders to give them an opportunity to provide feedback on the results.

The draft recognition assessment of the Copper Mark can be found on our Resources page under 'Input Material Programmes'. Stakeholders can complete this form to submit feedback or comment directly in the document and send us an email, citing the respective criterion of the assessment.

The deadline for stakeholder feedback is the end of the day on 28th July 2024. In case of questions and to submit feedback, please email

In addition, the Copper Mark and ResponsibleSteel agreed on two conditions to enable recognition. The Copper Mark will provide a supplemental document stipulating these conditions for sites that participate in its assurance framework and want to be ResponsibleSteel-recognised:

- The following criteria of the “Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria Guide” version of 19 October 2023, which is the Copper Mark’s criteria for responsible production, have to be considered not only by mine sites but also by stand-alone metal processing, downstream processing, manufacturing and recycling sites if these sites want to be ResponsibleSteel-recognised: Closure and Reclamation, Community Development, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Land Acquisition and Resettlement, Cultural Heritage.

- The Copper Mark will explicitly stipulate that the requirements specified in the “Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria Guide” version 19 of October 2023 are binding.

Following consideration of any feedback and the finalisation of the assessment, a recommendation on recognition will be put to the ResponsibleSteel Board of Directors for their decision.

Submit feedback using this form or learn more about ResponsibleSteel recognition here.

June 26, 2024
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Webinar: Charting progress to 1.5°C through certification

For the first time, we are drawing a clear connection between what’s required to deliver a 1.5°C-aligned pathway for the global steel sector and ResponsibleSteel’s Decarbonisation Progress Levels. 'Charting Progress to 1.5°C through Certification' - a report set for publication at the start of July - demonstrates how ResponsibleSteel certification can drive the change needed for the steel industry to achieve the Paris Agreement.

Join us for our next webinar to discuss ResponsibleSteel's analysis and find out what it will take to get the industry on track for 1.5°C.

The webinar will take place via Microsoft Teams on Friday, July 5th at noon (BST) and will last one hour.

Learn more about certification against the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard and ResponsibleSteel's Decarbonisation Progress Levels here.

If you would like to join this webinar for ResponsibleSteel members, please contact our Head of Membership and Communications, Joe Woodruff.

June 17, 2024
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Arvedi Acciai Speciali Terni earns first ResponsibleSteel certification in Italy

Arvedi Acciai Speciali Terni (AST) is the latest to obtain core site certification against the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard. The site in Terni is Italy's first site to become certified.

The Terni site, and its Service Center and Forging Division, were successfully certified following an independent audit by DNV. AST's certification is another step on the journey toward responsible steel production. The site aims to integrate sustainable practices into all business processes to ensure long-term value for stakeholders and the surrounding environment.

Annie Heaton, ResponsibleSteel's CEO, stated, “This first ResponsibleSteel site certification in Italy and for the Arvedi Group is another milestone for the steel industry. Acciai Speciali Terni, an EAF stainless steelmaker, has a strong focus on circularity, aiming to reduce waste as far as possible by increasing the use of recycled scrap, reusing refractories, and launching a project for recovering slag. The site has also set an ambitious interim target of reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions by 60% by 2028 on the road to net zero by 2050. Just as importantly, the site demonstrated a clear commitment to the wellbeing of its workers as evidenced by the site’s strong governance procedures and Health and Safety policies.”

The Terni site has been at the heart of the Italian steel industry since the location was chosen in 1884. AST is one of the leading stainless steel flat producers in Europe. The site also produces some of the largest forgings in special steels in the world through its Forgings Division. AST employs over 3000 workers and contractors and plays an important role in the surrounding community.

“By achieving Responsible Steel core site certification,” says Gianluca Gigli, Chief Technical Officer and Acciai Speciali Terni S.p.A. Board Member, “the company reinforces its way to responsible steel production, integrating sustainability into all business processes, in full compliance with ESG criteria. An achievement to be proud of, that will support the company towards environmental, economic and social transition with the aim to ensure long-term value for the benefit of all stakeholders and the local community. The certification process involved many of Acciai Speciali Terni’s departments and I would like to congratulate them for the result obtained.”

View the certificate and read the public audit summary here.

June 3, 2024
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May 2024 Newsletter

May has been a busy month for ResponsibleSteel. We're excited to share two key highlights: the much-anticipated Version 2.1 of the Production Standard and the release of our first-ever Progress Report. We are also pleased to announce more certifications, including the first site certifications in Vietnam, Sweden, and Finland, marking significant milestones in our global growth. It's great to witness sites pursuing site certification, reaffirming their commitment to responsible practices. The next step is Certified Steel, which is now possible with the launch of Version 2.1.

In this month's newsletter, you will find key updates including:

- The launch of the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard Version 2.1

- The first-ever ResponsibleSteel Progress Report

- New certifications and new members

- Upcoming ResponsibleSteel webinars and audits against the Production Standard

- News from our partners and more!

Click here to view ResponsibleSteel's May 2024 newsletter.

May 31, 2024
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ResponsibleSteel and SteelZero: Aligning action to drive the steel industry toward net zero

What does SteelZero do? What sets the initiative apart from ResponsibleSteel? And how do we work together to drive the steel industry’s net-zero transition? Let’s answer these key questions.

SteelZero is a global initiative working to speed up the transition to a net-zero steel industry. While ResponsibleSteel provides a pathway for steelmakers and a forum to bring the steel supply chain together in pursuit of a responsible industry, SteelZero mobilises steel buyers to aggregate and amplify the voice of the demand side.

How do they do this? Businesses that join SteelZero must make a public commitment to use lower emissions steel for 50% of their steel requirement by 2030, which sets a clear pathway to achieving 100% net-zero steel by 2050 at the latest. This interim commitment includes purchasing lower emissions steel which is aligned to ResponsibleSteel’s Decarbonisation Progress Level 2.

Any business that uses, specifies, or procures steel and is looking to address its emissions is eligible to join SteelZero. Likewise, SteelZero members can also choose to join ResponsibleSteel to work with steelmakers and other members of the value chain to help shape ResponsibleSteel’s standards. One can’t underestimate the impact these commitments are having. For the first time, steel-using businesses are creating and expanding the market for lower emissions and near-zero emissions steel. They’re saying to their suppliers, you can have the confidence, as well as the business rationale, to invest in the net-zero transition and new ways of steelmaking which do away with fossil fuels. Because who are steelmakers going to listen to more than their customers?

Over 40 businesses and counting including the likes of Ørsted, Volvo Cars, and Maersk have already joined SteelZero and set themselves clear time-bound pathways to clean up their steel-related emissions. The demand is clear and accelerating all the time. As it has to. Now, steelmakers must accelerate their efforts to decarbonise and scale up supply of lower emissions steel to achieve the reductions needed by 2030.

So how do ResponsibleSteel and SteelZero work together?

SteelZero and ResponsibleSteel’s work is like two sides of the same coin. Both organisations are dedicated to achieving the same goal, but what sets them apart is the area of the value chain they focus on, the angle at which they’re trying to mobilise action, to make it happen.

But a central question to the transition is what do we mean by lower emissions and near-zero emissions steel? What emissions intensity do these classifications constitute? Just as we need industry alignment between steelmakers and steel users on this to get us to a net-zero industry, ResponsibleSteel and SteelZero are aligning their action to unlock this potential.

Steel users need to know what they’re asking for once they’ve made their SteelZero commitment – what specifically do I need from my supplier for it to qualify as lower emissions steel and help me meet my commitment? And steelmakers need to know what their customers want so they can align operations and investments to meet customer demands. There can be no room for interpretation leaving space for uncertainty, delays, and inaction. All business and investment decisions need to be laser-focused on the most effective action.

Figure: ResponsibleSteel Decarbonisation Levels (ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard Version 2.1)

As partner to SteelZero, ResponsibleSteel works directly with the initiative to do this. ResponsibleSteel has developed an International Production Standard through a transparent multistakeholder process and extensive data research to determine what constitutes an equitable, effective global framework to drive the steel industry's decarbonisation. SteelZero uses the emissions intensity thresholds in the ResponsibleSteel’s International Production Standard to help its members to answer the question: What do I need from my supplier for it to qualify as lower emissions steel and help me meet my commitment?

By holding members accountable to commitment pathways aligned with ResponsibleSteel, consumers (SteelZero members) can be confident that the commitment they’re making is in alignment with best practice and will genuinely help them get the solutions they need to clean up their supply chains whilst supporting equitable, sector-wide decarbonisation globally. Through a strong focus on engaging with its members, SteelZero can drive that action, fast.

This is why collaboration and alignment are so critical. Together SteelZero and ResponsibleSteel are collectively setting best practice for steel users and steel suppliers to achieve a net-zero steel industry.

Learn more about SteelZero.

May 29, 2024
Member Articles
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ResponsibleSteel launches new version of International Standard to drive down steel emissions and improve sustainability across the supply chain

The global steel industry employs over 6 million people and contributes around 3.8% to global GDP. Yet it also contributes around 10% to global greenhouse gas emissions from energy and industry according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard Version 2.1, launched today, will play a critical role in driving down global steel emissions and driving up standards across the steel supply chain. Developed in consultation with ResponsibleSteel members and stakeholders from across the steel value chain and civil society, Version 2.1 strengthens ResponsibleSteel’s Progress Level requirements for responsible materials sourcing and climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.

As global leaders look for ways to mitigate the impacts of climate change, it’s more important than ever that the steel industry moves to decarbonise and adopt more responsible production practices. Version 2.1 of the Standard provides the steel industry with a technical roadmap to net zero and allows producers to demonstrate tangible progress not only on decarbonisation but across other key environmental and social issues such as biodiversity, water stewardship, pollution, labour rights and more.

Gerry Tidd, Chairman of ResponsibleSteel’s Board of Directors commented, “The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard is the result of extensive development and stakeholder input and has been widely endorsed by highly respected organisations such as the International Energy Agency. We have listened to feedback from across the steel industry, civil society and others and updated the Standard to ensure it is both effective and workable. We are proud to launch Version 2.1 of the industry’s most robust, high-quality standard - one that is built on a foundation of integrity and transparency.”

Steelmaking sites globally are already making progress. ResponsibleSteel has over 80 sites in 19 countries certified against the International Production Standard’s Core requirements. With the revisions incorporated in Version 2.1, steelmakers are now set to pursue the next step on ResponsibleSteel’s certification journey: certified steel.

Steelmakers who meet the revised Progress Level requirements for responsible materials sourcing and decarbonisation will for the first time be able to label and market their products as ResponsibleSteel certified.

“This will give steel buyers – all the architects, automakers, builders and manufacturers - confidence that the steel they are procuring has been produced responsibly following a credible independent assessment,” Mr Tidd said.

Annie Heaton, CEO of ResponsibleSteel stated, “An increasing number of players have opinions about what so-called ‘green steel’ means. The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard provides a clear, credible and consistent way to define it not only by providing a fair and universal benchmarking system for low-emissions steel globally but by charting a roadmap towards responsible steelmaking every step of the way.”

She continued, “We must also remember that truly responsible steelmaking goes beyond mitigating carbon, to other environmental and social impacts, including the rights of the millions of people working in the industry and across the supply chain as well as local communities.”

Now is the time for the steel industry to pick up the pace to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, by meeting the Progress Level requirements of the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard Version 2.1. This way, we will create a universally consistent, credible market for responsible low-emissions steel.

Learn more about the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard V2.1 here.

May 21, 2024
Press Releases
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Outokumpu earns ResponsibleSteel certification for all of its production sites in Europe

Outokumpu has achieved ResponsibleSteel certification for all seven of its production sites in Europe. The sites are spread across Germany, Finland and Sweden making Outokumpu the first to obtain certification in the latter two countries as well as the first in the Nordic region more broadly.

Outokumpu, a global leader in the stainless steel industry, became a member of ResponsibleSteel in 2019. For Outokumpu, the ResponsibleSteel International Standard provided a tool to evaluate and strengthen the company’s sustainability work through an ambitious industry-level framework with a beyond-compliance approach.

Heidi Peltonen, Vice President of Sustainability at Outokumpu, stated, “The ResponsibleSteel Standard is highly needed to provide a systematic framework to evaluate the sustainability of steel holistically. While the steel industry accounts for 7–9% of global greenhouse gas emissions, at the same time it plays a pivotal role in the green transition. Outokumpu has an ambitious climate commitment to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees. Beyond that we are committed to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights across our value chain and follow the highest standard for ethical business conduct. ResponsibleSteel addresses environmental, social and governance topics and drives companies' sustainability work forward in all these areas. We are extremely proud to receive the certificates as the first mover in the Nordics, enabling us to create value for our customers by supporting them to choose sustainably produced stainless steel with a third-party validation.”

The certification process was conducted between 2021 and 2023 and included rigorous independent audits carried out by DNV. The auditors highlighted the strong commitment of the sites to health and safety and interviews with workers across the sites demonstrated a high employee satisfaction rate. Collectively, the seven sites employ over 5,800 workers and contractors.

Above: Outokumpu Tornio; Top: Outokumpu Dillenburg

“The ResponsibleSteel certification is both about the process and the result. The certification process was extensive, including for example site-specific self-assessments with related audits and on-site interviews with workers and contractors. As for the result, we received excellent feedback on our achievements, especially on decarbonisation and our efforts to ensure a good and safe place to work. The process also helped us to identify further actions to build on our sustainability ambition – such as those related to stakeholder engagement, social responsibility as well as biodiversity and water management across our value chain. It also increased credibility and transparency of our overall sustainability work,” said Anna Vainikainen, Head of Human Rights at Outokumpu.

Outokumpu is committed to the Science Based Targets initiative's 1.5 degree target and is the only stainless steel producer with a target approved by the initiative. To meet this target, Outokumpu are working to improve energy efficiency in its operations. In 2022, over 85% of the company's electricity was already coming from low-carbon sources.

Annie Heaton, CEO of ResponsibleSteel, commented, “Outokumpu has already set a near-term science-based target to reduce emissions from all three scopes by 42% by 2030 compared to 2016. This site certification process has provided a tool for Outokumpu to develop its sustainability work and its transparency in line with best practice on ESG for the steel industry. The next step will be progress level certification and we look forward to working with Outokumpu as we develop Decarbonisation Progress Levels specifically for stainless steel sites to enable them to work towards certified steel.”

To learn more about these certifications, take a look at the certificates and read the public audit summaries here.

Above: Outokumpu Nyby
May 20, 2024
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ResponsibleSteel publishes first-ever Annual Progress Report

Over the last eight years, ResponsibleSteel has gone from strength to strength. During that time, ResponsibleSteel has built up a thriving community of over 150 members and created the first-ever International Standard to drive the responsible production of net-zero steel, globally.

We’re driving industry progress

We now have certified sites in 14 countries employing over 220,000 workers and producing over 120 million tonnes of steel. In this first annual Progress Report, we take stock of the enormous strides ResponsibleSteel and our members have made to deliver on our shared mission and celebrate our collective achievements.

We also look forward as we build momentum toward some exciting announcements coming up this year. Version 2.1 of the ResponsibleSteel International Standard will be published this month and a new Downstream Chain of Custody Standard later this year. Most significantly, we expect the first steelmaking sites to achieve ResponsibleSteel certified steel this year, a global first for the industry.

We’re recognised globally

ResponsibleSteel continues to be recognised as a leader amongst sustainability initiatives, most notably by the IEA in their second report to the G7 on ‘Emissions Measurement and Data Collection for a Net Zero Steel Industry’ and more recently, Lead the Charge in their ‘Assessment of Third-Party Assurance and Accreditation Schemes in the Minerals, Steel and Aluminium Sectors’. And as more initiatives focusing on steel sustainability emerge, we’re playing a critical role in convening the sector and driving industry alignment to accelerate a net-zero future.

Come with us

This is only the beginning. We have a long journey ahead of us, but with the support of our members and stakeholders, we will continue to work to drive industry progress.

Read our full 2024 Progress Report here.

May 16, 2024
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BlueScope Vietnam earns first ResponsibleSteel certification in Southeast Asia

The NS BlueScope Vietnam Phu My site is the company’s third site certification following BlueScope Port Kembla in 2022 and Western Port last year.

The site began construction in 2002 and opened its doors two years later in 2004. At the time, it was the first metal coating line in Vietnam to apply zinc and aluminium technology to its products. Now, the site produces 187,000 tons of coated and uncoated cold-rolled coil annually and employs over 200 workers and contractors.

Annie Heaton, CEO of ResponsibleSteel commented, “What singles the certification of BlueScope Vietnam out is that it is the first certification in the country, the first in Southeast Asia. This demonstrates real leadership.”

Obtaining ResponsibleSteel site certification is the latest step in NS BlueScope Vietnam’s broader plan to implement responsible practices and urge its partners and suppliers to do likewise in order to build a more sustainable steel community. In 2022, NS BlueScope Vietnam was also the first coated steel manufacturer in Vietnam to earn the Singapore Green Building Council’s ‘Green Label’ certification.

Mr. Vo Minh Nhut, President of NS BlueScope Vietnam, stated, “This is a proud milestone in our sustainable development journey aligned with NS BlueScope's ESG standards, further affirming that we are not only a technology leader in the pre-painted steel industry but also a pioneering business in ESG practices. We sincerely appreciate the support and companionship of our esteemed partners during this time, which has motivated us to continue growing and increasingly contribute towards building a sustainable and thriving business community.”

Extensive interviews with the site’s workers also emphasised the site’s focus on risk management, health and safety, and employee engagement including issue resolution and grievance, feedback and support mechanisms, training and development opportunities, reward and recognition mechanisms, and support with flexible working arrangements. Notably, at the time of the audit, 41% of the site’s workers and contractors were female and the importance placed on promoting diversity and fostering an inclusive workplace was clear.

The BSI audit team commended the site’s commitment to becoming ResponsibleSteel certified, noting the effort made to align with the ResponsibleSteel International Standard including expanding and revising some of the site’s existing policies and procedures. The auditors particularly highlighted the strength of the site’s water stewardship and stakeholder engagement programmes. NS BlueScope Vietnam has also set a target to reduce GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 30% by 2030 against a 2018 baseline.

Click here to view BlueScope Vietnam's certificate and audit summary.

May 15, 2024
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