Auditor training dates announced

The next ResponsibleSteel auditor training will take place from 03 to 06 May 2021. It will take place online from 09:00 CET to 13:00 CET each day.
Participation in a training is one of the prerequisites for becoming a ResponsibleSteel-approved auditor. Only auditors that are affiliated with a certification body who is an Associate Member of ResponsibleSteel and has been approved by ResponsibleSteel may carry out audits against the ResponsibleSteel Standard.
Auditors who want to register for this online training should:
- Review the auditor approval and qualification requirements in the ResponsibleSteel Assurance Manual to see if they meet our requirements (1.5 and Annex 3)
- Complete the auditor application form in the Annex of the Assurance Manual (Annex 2)
- Send the completed application form, a full and up to date CV and all the mentioned documentation to mbammert (at) by 15 April
Prior to the training, participants must have studied the ResponsibleSteel Standard and Assurance Manual.
The training participation fee is 300 USD per auditor. All the documentation listed above can be accessed here.
Note that our trainings are also open to employees of steel companies who are ResponsibleSteel members. Steel company participation is covered by their ResponsibleSteel membership fee. No documentation is needed, but steel company representatives have to confirm their participation to ResponsibleSteel by email.