Hyundai Steel joins ResponsibleSteel

Steel producer Hyundai Steel has joined ResponsibleSteel as its newest Business Member, based in South Korea Hyundai Steel is a major player in the steel industry.
“ResponsibleSteel is delighted to welcome Hyundai Steel into membership. Having such a major international business join us from the steel making sector is a huge step forward towards us strengthening our depth and global reach within our membership. We very much look forward to working with Hyundai Steel as they work towards their aim to become a ‘sustainable steel company’ said Ali Lucas, Executive Director – ResponsibleSteel.
“Hyundai Steel is the first Korean company to join ResponsibleSteel and actively respond to ESG issues by establishing a network with global advanced companies,” a company spokesman said.
Hyundai Steel is expected to establish a leading position in terms of strengthening its own ESG management while securing confidence in the ESG field from the market and society through joining. The spokesman added, “As ESG plays an important role in the business environment, it is time to internalize ESG’s requirements through a mid- to long-term sustainable management strategy.”