Net zero steel – what does it mean and how do we get there?

Steel is the world’s most widely used material. With a turnover of 1 trillion US dollars, the sector currently represents 7% of global CO2 emissions – and this is forecast to grow in line with increasing demand. However, we can reduce these emissions. Steel production can be decarbonised. It is possible to reach Net Zero Steel by 2050.
Join us on 1st December as we launch SteelZero, a new global initiative bringing together leading businesses to drive transformation in the steel sector. This exciting new initiative is a collaboration between The Climate Group and ResponsibleSteel and aims to create market demand for low carbon steel through engagement with downstream steel users (automotive, construction and white goods) and speed up the transition to Net Zero Steel. We believe that decarbonising steel production should be manageable, cost effective and actionable across the supply chain. We want to support businesses to drive the market demand for Net Zero Steel.
Companies that join SteelZero make a public commitment to transition to 100% Net Zero Steel by 2050. On joining, they gain access to networks and knowledge sharing that will help them to achieve this goal. Members of SteelZero will be invited to be part of SteelZero Leaders, a social platform hosted by the Climate Group that brings together the leading thinkers in the decarbonisation of steel to showcase and share best practice.
Please contact Jim Norris, Project Lead on for more information on how you can get involved.